Alemba API Entity Details Pane

The Entity Details pane in the API Explorer shows details about the selected entity.

Base information

At the top is the entity name. Below this, there is a brief description of the entity plus core information about the entity itself:

(Description) A brief summary of what the entity is
Resource Name Name used in url. If none, this is an abstract entity – a logical grouping for child entities, which is not accessible via the API
Parent Type Entity type of immediate parent
Root Type Entity type of entity from which this ultimately derives
Table If present, name of underlying database table
Metadata Link to the metadata page for the entity


Below the entity details, there is a list of actions for that entity. Selecting one will display information about the action.

At the top is the action name and following this is further information about the action itself.

Action information includes:

(Description) A brief summary of what this action does
Url The URL to invoke this action
Method (s) The supported HTTP method(s)
Required permission Privilege needed to invoke this action, for both Analysts & Users
Initial State The conditions that need to be fulfilled for this action to be usable e.g. a call that you want to Update must either be in a New state, or must be in an Open* state and locked by you
Metadata Link to the metadata page for the action


Below this, there may be between two and five further sections, depending on the selected action.

Action Parameters

For each action that can accept them, details are shown for each property and parameter that can be set as part of the action. This includes:

(Label) User-friendly name. If Required, followed by an asterisk
(Description) Textual explanation of property’s purpose
Path The path that identifies the location of the value in the object. For example, the $action.Description translates to the JSON object { “action”: { “Description”: “…” } }
Data Type One of the supported Data Types
Display Type An indication of Display Type
Max Length Shown for text fields if they have a fixed length
Required Indicates a mandatory property or parameter
Readonly Indicates if the property is readonly
Default Value Value that will be used if none supplied
Rules Details any special conditions that apply to the parameter. Examples include the Capitalization rule on Call Ref, or RequiredIfNotNull on IPK Status (both on Call.Create). Attributes of the rule include:
Typee.g. RequiredIfTrue
SourceField whose state impacts Target
TargetField impacted by state of Source
PhaseBefore Patch and Before Commit. In an update action, the API validates the input (Before Patch), retrieves the existing record and patches it, then validates the changes (Before Commit) before saving
ScopeClient, Client/Server, or Server. Where the Scope is Client or Client/Server this is a hint at suggested client side behaviour. Where the Scope is Server this is an indicator at server side business rules
Example Request An example of the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) that you would use to perform that action. This may include a section called $action (as in the Defer action), which can include parameters – values that control behaviour, as opposed to directly setting properties on that object.
Example Response An example of the JSON typically returned on successfully performing an action, including mock data
Data Explorer

For Search actions, this allows you to see data for the entity.

Query Build your own query (“Custom”) or, where available, select a shipped example query
Resource The element of the url that identifies this version of the entity
Select The properties to return. A UI for the $select clause.

See Searching for more details.


The properties to filter by. A UI for the $filter clause.

See Searching for more details.

Order The properties to order by. A UI for the $orderby clause.

See Sorting for more details.

Left Join

A way to link to tables that are not already linked as part of the schema. A UI for the $leftJoin clause.

See Joining for more details.

Inner Join A way to link to tables that are not already linked as part of the schema. A UI for the $innerJoin clause.

See Joining for more details.

Actual Query The statement that is generated from the above parameters
(Results table) The results. By default just shows the first 10 fields. More data retrieved on demand as you scroll down.
Augmenters A list of the augmenters that are relevant to this entity and action. The following attributes are shown per augmenter: Name, Description, Example, Version, and Augmenter Type.

See Augmenters for more details.